Monday, May 19, 2014

8 Miles of Hell

I tried a new recipe yesterday and I cooked today. I even have the ingredients for 2 other meals. I'm really together this week with food. I was tired of never having leftovers. And eating out too much. I was starting to feel nasty. And I knew if it was effecting me it was effecting everyone else. I also bought a watermelon and cut it up and tomorrow I'm buying a ton of grapes (they're on sale for about 1/2 price).

The new recipe I made last night was an instant favorite. Which is funny because no one was really happy about me putting cheese tortellini in. No one likes just the cheese ones. But I knew with everything else that was in it, cheese tortellini would be perfect. And it was. Next time I will need to double it though. Everyone had at least 2 helpings (even me darn it) so it went fast. It was SO easy! I love easy recipes. Not that many ingredients and easy. My favorite things.

The recipe I made tonight was one I'd made before. No one seemed to remember it but they all liked it the same. I liked it too. It was another one of those that are easy to through together. This time I added a can of diced tomatoes with green chilis. I'd put in more noodles so I needed more liquid anyway and green chilis are always a hit in my house. It's a joke when I try out a new recipe that Kim will always say "That was great but there's one thing that would have made that better." And he'll mean green chilis. He says it for everything now; even when it would be terrible!

The rest of the recipes I have are Italian Bake (aka Spaghetti casserole), is a crock pot pork roast recipe and the other is an easy stroganoff recipe in the crock pot too. I love crock pot recipes!
Today was my long run with Brenna. Eight miles mapped out. Five miles down Suncrest hill-which is pretty much all downhill (a few really steep parts too). Then we were supposed to catch this canal trail that I've heard everyone in North Utah County talking about and run that for 3 miles.

I was prepared but then again I wasn't. I didn't bring water; which I knew I was going to need because we weren't even starting to run until 9:30am and I"m use to starting at 6:30am. I also didn't eat anything carb wise last night. I did that last Sunday and I swear it helped. Some people swear by it but others say it doesn't do anything. I wish I would have eaten a bunch last night-I would have known for sure today.

The main thing that really kicked my butt today was Brenna. She runs so much faster than me! I had my Garmin on and noticed we were running between a 9:00 - 9:30 mile all the way down. That's so much faster than I usually am. I'm usually 9:30 - 10:00. We ended up running the first 5 miles in 46 minutes where as it would have taken me probably 50 at the least. So I was dying by the time we hit 5 miles and waited at the light to cross the street.

The last 3 miles were terrible. I couldn't get any energy. I was hot and tired. I was thirsty and I was beat. I walked and ran and felt bad the whole time because I was holding Brenna back. I kept apologizing and she reminded me that she's run a lot longer than I have and that she hardly ever runs the whole time. But I still felt bad. I told her when we do the run she isn't to stay back with me; just go at her own pace and I'll go at mine.

The last 3 miles ended up taking 34 minutes; which was way better than I thought it would be. It was really a terrible run though. But it felt good to get it done. Plus 8 miles is quite a feet...even if I didn't run the whole thing.

I also need to remember that Brenna is 9 years younger than me. 9 years. That's quite a bit. That does make a difference I'm sure. But still I hated that I had to stop.

I'm looking forward to Saturday morning. It's my next long run. It's 9 miles and I'm doing it around here. I'll also be starting at 6:30am so I won't have to worry about it being too hot. That was such a killer! And the blacktop of the canal trail just made it worse. But that's just me whining again and giving excuses.

I couldn't do it. As much as I'd like to say it was age, or heat, or no water, or running faster than normal, the end result was I couldn't run the whole thing.

But then I look back at last year when I was training and remember how many miles I would go before I had to stop and I know I'm doing better this year. I know I am. I just need to remember that. And remember...I really do like to run. Just some days/runs are worse than others.

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